NOT JUST A STATISTIC: Zadroga Portraits

0: seconds hesitated before running to help0: seconds regretting that decision{quote}I ran towards it. I was raised in a military family - you never leave someone behind.{quote} - Keith Lebow, volunteer. Keith volunteered at the WTC site for more than 100 hours. {quote}I'm in a lot of pain. My back, my lungs, my legs - I hurt.{quote}
Zadroga Portraits

0: seconds hesitated before running to help

0: seconds regretting that decision

"I ran towards it. I was raised in a military family - you never leave someone behind." - Keith Lebow, volunteer.

Keith volunteered at the WTC site for more than 100 hours. "I'm in a lot of pain. My back, my lungs, my legs - I hurt."